Maintenance History for 2605-B Oaklawn

Turn your phone sideways omigod.

Date Item Req. by Acknowledge time Address time Resolution
1/18/25 Questions about charging batteries Katarina n/a 1 minute Explained
1/18/25 Locked out of room Katarina Answered on first ring <5 minutes Unlocked door, showed how to charge batteries for door lock
1/17/25 East bedroom breaker tripped multiple times overnight Katarina 46 minutes <2 hours Found damaged wire attached to breaker, broke off in breaker when pulled.  Removed broken piece, stripped wire, reconnected.
12/24/24 Continuously running water, possible leak City of Austin Same day Same day Found toilet continuously filling.  Disassembled fill valve, removed calcium deposits, reinstalled, applied to City for water bill credit
12/19/24 Upstairs breaker tripped 4-5x in last 3 weeks Kel 1 minute Next day Replaced 10Y-old GE breaker with 20A combo CAFCI #THQL1120AFP2.
12/19/24 Web browser can't find site Kel 3 minutes Immediate Advised to call Internet provider (Astound) as per house manual.  Kel set appt. for Saturday, Astound fixed.
12/18/24 Phone keeps dropping WiFi connection Katarina <1 minute Immediate Did basic troubleshooting.  Signal strength shows good and other tenants not reporting issues.  Possibly bad antenna in phone.
12/17/24 Fridge off Katarina 6 hours <30 minutes after acknowledging Breaker was off, I must have accidentally hit it while doing the repair yesterday.  Apologized and offered to reimburse for any spoiled food.
12/16/24 B1 breaker repeatedly trips Eric <1 minute 2 hours Traced problem to loose wire breaker wire  Cut power, tightened terminal screw, fixed.
12/15/24 Upstairs breaker tripped Kel 2 hours n/a Advised that if it keeps happening I'll replace.
Nov-Dec 2024 Roof deck, various (landlord) n/a n/a
• Replace and secure PEX pipes
• Repair damaged rail cap
• Secure loose rail cap
• Remove disintegrating tub cover and damaged, rat-infested insulation around tub
• Remove perimeter decking boards guiding rainwater into tub and replace with thinner boards to let rainwater drain around tub
Nov. 2024 Second floor, various (landlord) n/a n/a
• Replace broken entry door handle with doorknob
• Replace bad hardware on bath sliding door
• Repair floor damaged by previous tenant
• Cut wood circles for new tenant to use as floor protectors under weight-bearing furniture
11/11/24 Slow drain Katarina immediate (she saw me) <1H
Called plumber to clear drain next morning.
11/5/24 Leak alarm fired in bathroom Katarine Picked up on first ring 6 days (I was busy when she called and then I forgot.)
Could not reproduce leak
10/28/24 Cracks on bath countertop possibly letting water leak through to cabinet floor (landlord) n/a n/a
10/26/24 Bath sinks draining slowly (landlord) n/a Same day
Clean drains.  Advise tenants how to do so for the future.
10/26/24 Bath sink mat full of water, leak alarm has been removed (landlord) n/a Same day
Drain water, replace drain washer, clean and dry sink mat, replace leak alarm
10/26/24 Bath cabinet door separated from frame (landlord) n/a Same day
10/26/24 Missing kitchen cabinet knob (landlord) n/a Same day
10/26/24 Install mat under kitchen sink to protect against leaks (landlord) n/a n/a
9/7/24 Annual water filter replacement (landlord) n/a n/a
9/7/24 Bathroom exterior door "kinda hard to lock" Adam 2 minutes Same day
Examined door but could find no problems locking it, asked tenant to come show me, no reply.
8/25/24 "Issues" with smoke alarm battery Katarina <1H <1H
Provided replacement battery
6/30/24 New bedroom breaker tripped Teresa <1H <1H
Gave several options for next step, ball in tenant's court.
6/25/24 Bedroom breaker tripped 3x overnight Teresa <1 minute Same day Replaced breaker (GE THQL1120AFP2, CAFCI / HACR)
6/25/24 Fallen tree Teresa <1 minute Same day Cut up and hauled off
6/15/24 Ceiling fan not woring Katarina 20 minutes 25 minutes Fixed
6/12/24 Tenant requested different light bulb Katarina <1 minute Offered to come immediately, she said later is okay Replaced bulb
6/10/24 East bedroom breaker tripping (tenant reported on moveout) (landlord) (move out)

Replaced breaker (GE THQL1120AFP2, CAFCI / HACR)
6/10/24 Install drip mat in batroom sink cabinet (landlord) (move out)

6/10/24 Touch up paint in East bedroom (landlord) (move out)

6/5/24 Smoke alarms firing randomly Adam
8 minutes
Started same day
Brought replacement alarm, found to be incompatible, bought another alarm (Kidde/Firex P12040 photelectric 9V) and installed the next day.
May 2024 Bathroom improvements (landlord)
8 minutes
Started same day
  1. Had bathroom and kitchen professionally cleaned (6 person-hours).
  2. Re-mortared the pebbles on the bathroom floor.
  3. Repaired the rotted bathroom sink cabinet floor.
  4. Installed missing bath baseboard trim, caulked and painted.
  5. Fixed the bath exit door which previously required slamming in order to latch.
5/8/24 Fallen tree limb blocking walkway Cristian
<1 minute
3 minutes
Cut down and remove
8/26/23 Tenant reported that clothesline is free of clothes, ready for more wire lines Cristian
<1 hour
Same day
Installed more metal clotheslines.  Also trimmed neighbor's encroaching trees away from the line.