Why cats must be indoors at 2605 Oaklawn

  1. They kill birds and squirrels.  We're rather fond of the wildlife here and don't want any more predators in the area.
  2. They poo in the yards.  If your cat goes into our yard and defecates then our dogs could eat it and get sick.  Waste is also something that the other back house tenants, the front house tenants, or their dogs can step in.
  3. They can bring fleas, ticks, and mites back into the house.
  4. If they come to our yard (we live next door), our dog will attack them before we can stop her.
  5. Cats live 3 to 10 years longer when they're indoors-only.  Being outdoors carries risks of:
    1. Fights with other animals,
    2. Being hit by cars,
    3. Being injured or eaten by a predator (owls, coyotes, dogs),
    4. Being killed by eating rat poison.  One year a neighbor put out rat poison which killed many of our squirrels.
    5. Contracting more diseases such as feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, feline panleukopenia, and toxoplasmosis gondii. (source)
    6. Becoming the victim of animal abusers.  (It's happened around here.)